Project Sahbhagi

Project "Sahbhagi"


“Sharing is caring” – a formula that today seems limited to the moral science textbooks. Everyone is buying new things without knowing the best use for their old items. As a result, the old articles end up as waste. The waste items do not reach to the most eligible beneficiary. For example, old clothes are generally donated to domestic workers; old books are generally sold to bookshops or donated in libraries etc. But the basic purpose is still not achieved. Still the needy person may not get access to the items most essential to him/ her. Even the donor does not get to know whether the donated item is bringing positive impact in the life of the receiver. This creates apprehension about doing charity. There is a slight suspicion in the mind of the donor.

This is where we want to fill the gap. Trust is a rare and a fragile commodity. At Dhara for Sustaining Life, we build that TRUST THROUGH TRANSPARENCY. Project Sahbhagi aims to make the process of donation in kind completely transparent and effective. For this, we not only track the items from the source to the destination but also do monitoring whether the concerned item is being utilized by the recipient properly.

We are inspired by Gandhiji’s Moral Economics. He emphasised the idea of sustainable consumption through 3 principles – SHARE, REUSE and REDUCE. Project Sahbhagi is our initiative to promote such attitude in the urban areas.

What can you donate?

Old clothes – men, women, children, old age etc. – any size, shape and color. But please make sure that they are not torn and conform to the season.

Books and Stationery – Any book, textbook, novel, comic, fiction/ non-fiction, bed time stories, in English or Hindi.

Utensils – Old but functional utensils preferably important for daily use

Electronic items – functional electronic items like mixers, handheld devices etc.

How to donate?

You can call us at +91-9999-801-394 or write to us on Mention the subject as “Sahbhagi| Want to Donate” and mention your address, phone number and the item that you intend to donate.

We can send our volunteer to collect the items from you.


You can deliver the items yourself to our office in 10/70, Basement, Old Rajender Nagar, New Delhi – 110060.

Looking forward to your contribution to this noble initiative.